Friday, March 2, 2012

Waiting on Superman

Last week I had a conversation with a young lady about finding a mate; a kingdom connection to be specific. Someone who you no longer waste your time with, but you consider it to be an investment for your future. Remember, the one who waits is the one who wins. So I asked her, “What type of guy are you waiting on?” She responds, “I’m waiting on Superman.”
After this I began to think on what a “Superman-type” of guy would look like. I began to think about the glasses, the suit, the cape and even the flying part (which was pretty cool). But then it hit me. If you are looking for a Superman, make sure you know what power he carries. Clark Kent was always Superman, but he always needed to go into a phone booth to change into Superman. In other words, without the phone booth, he would just be known as Clark Kent from the Daily Planet. When a man enters your life, make sure you meet Superman before you meet Clark Kent. Make sure you know and ask him about his purpose and calling before you find out what he isn’t. Because by the time you’ve figured out who they really are, they’ve promised you the moon and you’re wearing the ring. Tell him that you are attracted to purpose and destiny and everything else is secondary.
In this world we have two types of men: The first type of man is the one that needs the phone booth (people) to verify and validate who he is called to be. The second is the man who doesn’t need a phone booth because he understands that he has been called by the will of God, and not by the will of men. This is the man that understands that by the grace of God, he is enabled to do what others said he couldn’t do. This is the man that doesn’t tear through walls with heat vision coming from his eyes. He tears through walls with the declaration that comes from his mouth. He doesn’t wait for the enemy to show up to become the man he was purposed to be. He is the man who at all times embodies purpose and wears the garments of praise. He occupies the office of his gift and isn’t moved by emotion or circumstance. He is captivated by true character and a woman that doesn’t need shoes, an outfit or a job to define her. He doesn’t measure the weight of her shortcomings, but he has carefully calculated the weight of the words that come from her mouth. She walks knowing that she is God’s daughter and He doesn’t give anything less than the best to His children.
Which are you looking for?  

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Some years ago, a German Philosopher performed a case study on flies. He placed a specified number of flies into a clear container. After placing them in that clear container, he covered it with a plastic lid. After doing this, the flies attempted to get out of the container. While trying to leave the container, the flies continued to bump their heads against the lid. After seeing this transpire, this researcher kept the lid on for an hour. After the hour had expired he took the lid off. Because they had spent so much time bumping their heads, they no longer went that high inside the container. They no longer tried to leave because they became accustomed to their circumstance. Another fly was released inside the room after the hour was up. This fly flew around the room, checked out the scene, entered and exited the container to continue his meandering journey. The researcher’s conclusion was that because they saw something else come in and out of the vessel, they used it as a green light that they could also leave and fly around the room. They had the capabilities of moving as high as 36 feet in the air but because of their bad experience bumping their heads, they limited themselves to 8 inches.

The enemy’s goal is to frustrate you because of past experiences. You might not feel like you have been trying to get out of the container for an hour, but you felt like you spent all of 2011 in that container; a full 365 days. God's word for you in this time is that what the enemy intended to frustrate, forestall and forsake you, God used to ferment you. Fermentation occurs when the juices of a grape have been left in a sealed container for a time. Later, it becomes what we know as wine. The longer wine spends inside of a container, the better it will taste to whoever consumes it. His word says that "your gift will make way for you before great men." This is the place where God will serve you before great men. God will use your process for your promotion. He takes what the enemy intended for evil and for your destruction and He will turn it around for your good. You felt like you couldn’t go as high as you know you have been built to go. But the bible tells us that “His thoughts are higher than our thoughts.” That “eyes have not seen. Ears have not heard. Nor has it entered the heart of man, the things that He has prepared for them that love Him and are called according to His purpose”(1 Cor 2:9).
He is telling you that this year, "Its time to leave the container." Its time to leave what you thought was a comfort zone and enter the land that He has promised you. Leave the prison and enter the palace. Leave the resentment and enter His rest. Leave the dungeon and enter His dominion. The fermenting process has prepared you for the blessing you will experience in 2012. God is telling you that it is time to get out, get going and enter a year full of Fulfillment, Reign and Dominion! NO MORE LIMITS!